Full Stack Web Developer

Maksym Chubarov

I'm looking for a Full Stack Web Developer job. I graduated from KhNURE. Then I worked as a manager for 14 years in the field of procurement. And so I know how to get along well with people and meet deadlines. Now I'm back to my real passion — software development. I have completed GoIT courses and am actively looking for work. I would like to work in a team of professionals and be helpful to your business. I am a reliable, responsible and hardworking person.

Additional education

student Student at GoIT (Full Stack Web Developer)

June 2020 - May 2021 | Ukraine
  • Implemented markup with HTML, CSS, SASS, and responsive design techniques.
  • Developed front-end web applications using vanilla JavaScript.
  • Experienced with front-end development tools NPM, Webpack, etc.
  • Used Git as a version control system, worked in a team using GitHub.
  • Developed web applications using React.js in conjunction with Redux, Redux Toolkit, Redux middleware.
  • Worked with REST API services.


Own projects

  1. Web Studio .................................................................. [ HTML5, CSS3 ]
  2. Gallery ............................................................................ [ JavaScript ]
  3. Phonebook .................................................................. [ React.js ]
  4. Image Finder .............................................................. [ React.js ]
  5. Movies ............................................................................ [ React.js ]

Command projects

  1. IceCream ....................................................................... [ HTML5, CSS3 ]
  2. Filmoteka ...................................................................... [ HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ]

Work Experience

Procurement Team Leader LLC NPO "Vertical"

May 2011 - to this day | Ukraine
  • Providing production with quality components at a competitive price
  • Manage a team of 10 people, set goals and tasks, and supervise the execution

Head of the Сommercial/Production Department TK ELEKTROSTROY LLC

March 2006 - October 2008 | Ukraine
  • Looking for customers, work in collaboration with customers and suppliers.
  • Designing and reviewing documentation and contracts.


Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics

Faculty of Еlectronic Devices

Septermber 2000 - May 2005 | Ukraine